Medium size, pale green to golden color. High sugar content. Good for fresh eating or making into raisens.

Popular home variety. Medium size fruit with a tender skin. Crisp, sweet flavor.

A large, pink blush grape with white flesh, good for wine and fresh eating.

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties

A large black and vigorous growing grape that is good for juice and jams.

A late season red seedless table grape. Medium size, firm, very sweet, excellent quality.

Large size, dark greenish-yellow, resembling Thompson Seedless in color. Crisp, delicate Muscat flavor.

The Emerald Blueberry is known for their very large berries and their generous crops. They have a mild, sweet flavor and can grow up to 5-6 ft tall.

The Heritage Red Raspberry is a large, dark red, everbearing, and favorite raspberry. Does have thorns

An excellent eating, seedless grape with redish-purple skin. Has a firm, crisp, sweet, flavorful flesh that is tinged with red.

The Misty Blueberry is an early season sweet blueberry bush, known to be one the most attractive, vigorous and high yielding varieties we offer.

The Olallie black berry has the perfect blend of sweet and tart. It was developed in 1949 in Oregon but does great in southern California. These berries are famous for putting in recipies, such as...

Pale green berry is crisp and juicy, larger than a Thompson and two weeks earlier.

Large mid-season white grape. Floavor is sweet with a slight Muscat flavor when the fruit is very ripe and exposed to light.

Dark red table grape, sweet, crisp excellent fresh or for raisins. Ripens after Thompson, requires some summer heat.

The Southmoon blueberry has exceptional flavor, large berries and is mid-late season. It grows to be 5-6ft tall and has green foliage in the fall.

The Star Blueberry is an early season, large blueberry bush. It's fruit is large and it can get up to 6-7ft tall.

Sunshine blue is a semi-dwarf rich, sweet blueberry bush. It grows to about 3 feet and is upright and compact in shape. It also has beautiful hot pink flowers that turn white in the spring. The...

This is the mot popular green table grape in Calif. and Arizona. Fresh and good for raisin, very sweet, clusters for large grapes.

A large, blue-black seedless grape. Flavor is wonderful sweet fruitiness with a suggestion of Muscat.

Perhaps the world’s most versatile wine grape.

Would You Like More Information?

If you're interested in receiving more information about this varietal, feel free to drop us a line and we'll be in touch with you. We also offer discount pricing to retailers, landscapers and big projects so feel free to inquire as to our rates. You may also call us at (760) 724-3143.

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